Endowments make the A-list; nonprofits want to diversify their revenue sources and fundraising plans in a post-Covid environment Many NGOs are preparing their operating budgets without the CARES Act money and other government funds that helped their asset levels and running budgets in past years. They are also coping with substantially higher
inflation in recent years increased borrowing rates, a challenging recruiting market, reduced government financing, and less donors/fundraising money. Author Sara Herschander notes in The Chronicle of Philanthropy's Dec. 2023 issue ("The Fiscal Nonprofits face a more difficult time today with the economy and less donors." These difficulties are reminding organizations of the need of having varied income streams. Particularly for nonprofits concentrated on
special events galas, golf); direct mailined significant government funding (e.g., health care, social services, and public colleges); and attendance (religious organizations, museums, performing arts); fundraising plans are also becoming more varied. Many NGOs recognize the need of having varied fundraising strategies including, for example, improved technological plans and enlarged alternatives for planned giving. We provide to our clients an annual peer
Review of other similar type organizations
as a means of comparison of fundraising strategies Starting and expanding their endowments/quasiendowment funds a very valuable resource during trying circumstances is also something they consider as vital. Earlier research on Catholic Community Foundations in the United States revealed how many Catholic dioceses around the county had established independent foundations to develop their endowment programs and diversify their revenues.
Presenting a report on June 25, 2024: Perspectives on Philanthropy, Giving USA was CCS Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Published each June, Fundraising for 2023 was less than anticipated; Giving USA noted a 1.9% increase (2.1% drop, inflation adjusted) in charity giving during 2022. Having inflation, this is only the fifth time since the survey began in 1956 that donation has decreased. For instance, the Great Recession caused total giving to dip in 2008
and 2009 as well as in 1987 following the major stock market decline. The Chronicle of Philanthropy noted that economic considerations, including increased inflation, which affects a family's financial capacity, could have affected donations Simultaneously, total contribution in 2023 was approximately $557 billion, demonstrating the even more charitable nature of American citizens in these difficult times. The estimated $17 billion in unrestricted, one-time
Gifts made by American novelist
and philanthropist Mackenzie Scott to a range of organizations has helped these totals during the past few years to be favorably impacted. Although no one definition exists, most people agree that "recidivism" is the re-involvement in criminal activity upon release from the carceral system (Bureau of Justice Statistics, n.d.). This term gained popularity following 1967 when the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice released a
report emphasizing that minimizing recidivism should be a key focus for this system (as reported in National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2022). These days, the figure permeates public debates on prisons a common surrogate for "rehabilitation"—themself. Still, researchers examining the carceral system and how it shapes society have long attacked the measure. Many point to inconsistent measurement, for instance (Maltz,
Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2002 did not they have with those released from jail who were detained once more within a set period of time It does not show, for instance, if successive crimes were less severe than the first or motivating.First, even if it's only a small step beyond traditional recidivism, tracking "markers of desistance" offers a very different research focus.
Instead of answering yes or to the
likely presence of crime, assessors look for evidence showing either less severe or more sporadic over time a person's criminal behavior is becoming. Foundations can lead in this by financing evaluation approaches giving metrics beyond recidivism major emphasis (Erzen et al., 2019). "A purely instrumental approach does not fully capture — and, in fact, might obscure more basic civic principles to the recognition of human dignity and the provision of
education access and opportunities," Boston College Prison Education Program director Patrick Filipe Conway adds. Although statistics of recidivism might help to justify HEP from tax payers, HEP and Recidivism: Success Corrections agencies designated by the FAFSA Simplification Act must evaluate every HEP program to see whether they are running in the best interests of the students (Gaskill & Castro, 2023). For projects failing this "best interest"
standard, students will not be qualified for Pell Grants. While rates of completion and recidivism are optional, monitoring organizations can choose to track either. Without intentional effort, a focus on recidivism could still predominate and skew the discourse. Some universities of higher education have claimed that recidivism should not be used as a yardstick for evaluating their offerings (Gaskill & Castro, 2023). Driven by a commitment to
justice, excellence, and access, advocates seek new measures to evaluate the success of a program But "arrest rates are as much as a function of police activities as they are of criminal activities," and there are perhaps no communities so highly surveilled as those with great numbers of people returning from prison—often communities of color (Quote from Gottschalk, for surveillance, see Clear, 2007). Moreover, some state departments of prisons monitor
returnees' criminal records only for their first year after release; others may maintain records for three years or more, therefore inevitably enhancing the recidivism rate (Klingele, 2019). Given a high recidivism rate, assigning responsibility to the offenders of crimes helps to support the justification of restricting parole and expanding the prison capacity to "lock them own." Looking instead at the carceral system, a high recidivism rate can show the failure of
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