The amount of initiatives running in every area differs. Java hosts the programs, particularly in Jakarta, the capital city. Startups situated outside Java could thus have less chances to be part of a program. According to one program manager, program availability is sufficient given the volume of tech-based startups and SMEs needing assistance. Still, most of them are housed in Java and Bali. Those beyond these areas are just found in the major cities including Makassar, Manado, Aceh, Padang, Jambi, Lampung, Pontianak, Banjarmasin
(Incubator-Accelerator number According to the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises Regulation No. 24/2015 on Business Incubators, each province should have at least five incubators as well as at least one incubator in every district or city. This goal is not reached, nevertheless, perhaps since there are no fines for non-compliant locations. Representing incubators, the Indonesian Association of Business Incubators (Asosiasi
Inkubator Bisnis Indonesia) also notes that the distribution of incubators is still unequal, with most concentrated in big cities.While he is happy with the support he received from a government incubator in South Sulawesi, the manager of an East Indonesian agritech business said he thinks great incubators are still focused in Java.Based on preliminary
mappin Indonesia boasts programs
(Figure 3). But the epidemic that began in March 2020 is causing many programs to cease running. Out of all the programs, 60% are Java-based and distributed among the two special regions, four provinces—Jakarta and Yogyakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java. Though some of the initiatives are eager to help individuals in other areas, it is
challenging and expensive for them to do so Lack of business professionals on local authority-managed programs is a barrier for program management since the management team is often composed of senior civil servants. Moreover, their program obligations complement their other public servant obligations. As such, they cannot give startups their whole attention and completely concentrate on helping them. More often than not, the local
government managing the incubator program overlooked the fact that the team required business specialists to effectively support the tenants. The management team included civil workers holding other [existing] positions. As so, they are unable to concentrate on raising the tenants The bureaucratic approach falls short in meeting the demands of the businesses (Incubator-Accelerator number four)Incubators and accelerators should create networks for
entrepreneurs and give access to government
agencies, funding companies, and other industry businesses. Many incubators and accelerators, meanwhile, lacked networks or limited networks of a few participants National government initiatives aiming at filling some of the tasks of incubators and accelerators, including mentoring and coaching, are also under progress Some respondents claimed that these initiatives are ineffective and ought to be let to incubators and accelerators. Rather, the
national government ought to pass encouraging laws and offer grant money (Finance no. 4) Mostly operated by professionals in research and development (R&D) with limited commercial expertise, university-based incubators They are ignorant about management, marketing, startup company tactics, and other facets. Often focused on teaching and research, program managers do not work full-time on the initiative. Getting them to pay attention on maintaining
the renters can be difficult.They [university incubators] focus too much on the research side of tech support and not enough on business support. Consequently, they do not fully offer the help required by early-stage companies in overcoming the actual difficulty of [running a] firm (Incubator-Accelerator no. 9) Moreover, universities might not be sufficiently linked to businessesThe triple helix strategy is not followed if the university incubators just include their
lecturers The success of the innovation
depends on industry. Actually, industry has to be invited [from the start of the taff], and Instructor Successful startups depend on the management team of the program having ability and experience. The staff of the program not only offers businesses support and advise but also helps them create vital networks by means of their contacts with other actors in the
ecosystem. Moreover, a crucial feature of the incubation experience is the program's capacity to spot and draw mentors with actual business knowledge. Indonesia boasts a wide range of incubators and accelerators; it is challenging to generalize about their capacity or the caliber of the support they offer. Some are less strong and effective, others are very so. Some
programs are of low quality, with limited managerial capability, no or few dedicated full-time staff, few standard operating procedures, a limited network among other players, and minimal running money, the Indonesian Association of Business Incubators admitted. Under severe circumstances, one government official pointed out, "local government does not understand
the concept of incubators; they think that an incubator is only about providing coworking space. Our conversations uncAlmost all informants, regardless of sponsorship, noted that the experience level ack good mentors and those with sector-specific experience and expertise. One program manager acknowledged that they were unable to provide good mentors to their startup participants. The business model [of the program] is quite mature, yet we need more
experts especially those who can help with tech assistance for startup as mentors. We currently lack that (Incubator-Accelerator Furthermore, it is not easy for an incubator to have the full range of expertiseamong its mentors. In the past, innovation was about manufacturing. Now, it’s about IT [information technology]. It is very difficult for incubators to have the range of mentorship available, from manufacturing to IT (Government no. 2). Many incubators also
lack good networks with other players in the sector, making it difficult for startup tenants to develop their network. As the manager of an energy incubator and accelerator noted, Our work area is considered specific and complex in Indonesia, since we focus on renewable and clean energy. Therefore, to foster the startups that focus on the same sector, we need partnerships and collaborative programs. However, we currently do not have any, although we
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