SMEs in Lagos manifest absorptive capabilities through: collaboration, package and price adjustment, intelligent business leads, information analysis, research and training. Absorptive capabilities emphasise the ability to combine new external knowledge with existing internal knowledge towards the discovery of new information that could be explored towards business
gains. SMEs with rich absorptive capabilities work smarter by avoiding mistakes made by their competitors based on new information they acquire. When the extent to which SMEs are using mobile apps to enhance their absorptive capability were considered, a decline in absorptive capability was noticed, from 84.26% (without mobile apps) to 69.26% (with mobile
apps). SMEs in Lagos truly manifest absorptive capabilities but still tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. The essence of absorptive capability, on the other hand, is the creation of new knowledge that will prevent known mistakes. For example, the owner of one of the SMEs we interviewed explained how he managed his inventory and how he had
Repeatedly lost income as a result
of incorrect inventory management decisions. The SME in question sells cement and the owner relies on exchange rate information to decide whether to increase, or reduce, stock. However, due to the unregulated nature of Nigerian foreign exchange, the exchange rate information available to him is often incorrect. The creation of an app, which could
consolidate all available exchange rates and present accurate and timely information to the SME, would be of great assistance.external opportunities by adapting their practices in response to environmental changes. This research indicated a decline in adaptive capability from 86.36% (without mobile apps) to 72.72% (with mobile apps). This finding speaks to the
rate at which SMEs adapt to new business realities. The hitherto untapped potential of mobile apps could help improve SMEs response time to business change. For example, an SME that sells fresh farm produce almost went out of business because it did not timeously perceive that customers’ preference for farm produce, in Lagos Island, differed on weekends. This
Change was due to an improved
electricity supply to the neighbourhood over weekends which resulted in residents increasingly preparing meals in bulk over weekends, instead of multiple meals during the week. The SME in question embraced the challenge and quickly responded to new customer preferences through adapting its packaging, delivery and pricing of goods. SMEs, with
enhanced DCs, require reliable feedback mechanisms which continually allow them to gauge customers’ expectations. A contextual mobile app could be designed to facilitate constant customer feedback. Such apps would also plug into customers’ social media space and so aid in the intelligent prediction of customer preferences.SMEs in Lagos manifest innovative
capabilities through the imitation and adaptation of offerings as well as the adjustment of packaging and pricing. An SME’s innovative capability is demonstrated by its creativity at navigating new business frontiers through the creation of new products, services, markets or business models. When considering the extent of mobile app usage towards absorptive
Capability a decline in absorptive
capability from 83.48% (without mobile apps) to 68.68% (with mobile apps) is noticeable. Mobile apps could improve the approach to imitation and adaptation. The mobile app which allows the user to create different version of him/herself, through the application of different make-up, serves as case in point. The creation of an app that could help SMEs visualise
different packaging for their products could be highly beneficial.The second research objective sought to determine how mobile app usage influences the three dimensions of dynamic capabilities (DC). To fulfil this objective, a conceptual model of SMEs was developed based on the literature review and research context. Mobile app usage as well as absorptive,
adaptive and innovative capabilities formed the latent variables which underpin this model. The CFA and SEM of the conceptual model revealed the relationship between these variables. Results showed that mobile app usage positively impacted upon the absorptive, adaptive and innovative capabilities of SMEs in Lagos with beta values of 0.49, 0.45 and
Innovative capability represented the highest impact compared to absorptive and adaptive capabilities. If one wishes to quickly and greatly enhance the DC of SMEs, then one should focus on using mobile apps for SME business innovation. Business innovation, through the use of mobile apps, could be achieved through integrating multiple services and offerings onto a mobile enabled platform. The idea is to ensure convenience and security while serving the
For example, the mobile app, quickTellerTM has brought about a payment innovation over the past 10 years for Nigerian SMEs in that it has greatly changed the way in which funds are collected and exchanged. A similar innovation, mCash, promotes fund transfers, payments and collection in the rural areas of Nigeria. Similar innovations could be deployed in other industrial sectors, apart from the financial space, such as agriculture, manufacturing,
education and tourismThe third objective was to determine whether the three DC dimensions had impacted on SMEs’ ability to sense, shape and seize business opportunities. We leveraged on the conceptual model of SMEs to fulfil the third research objective. Using the C of the conceptual model we discovered that absorptive capability has a positive and significant effect on the opportunity sensing, shaping and seizing abilities of SMEs in Lagos.
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