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Why Influencer Marketing Specialists Are Vital for Modern Brands

Globally, chatbots are now used by such companies as Bank of America, eBay, H&M, Pizza Hut, Samsung, Microsoft, Amazon, Subway, Zalando, while in Poland they include Alior Bank, Bank Millenium, ING Bank Śląski, Warta Insurance, Pizza Hut Polska, GPW, Tymbark, and many many others.  These days, the most common sort of chatbots available on the market are so-called rule-based chatbots, whose function is limited to running just in the area of  specifi c, closed databases. Therefore, although there are often dubious views about the potential among the individuals who engaged with chatbots, the questions they posed went beyond the understanding of a chatbot at a particular point. Companies and brands have to decide what limits to impose as their bots develop over time since bots are meant to be dynamic, capable of learning and changing (Daugherty, Wilson, 2018, p. 94). The dynamics  artificial intelligence (AI) development will clearly be associated with further developmen...

The Future of Event Marketing Coordination in the Digital Age

role of international mega-companies as providers of education and maintenance of skills is significant. The internationalization of operations is also naturally related to digital change. The results of the present study are in line with previous research (e.g., Hökkä et al. 2019, Linnenbring-Garcia et al. 2016) that shows the importance of the emotional perspective both 

in learning and at work. Students worry about their upto-date competence, and this results in a wide range of uncertainties. Often, they do not dare to admit that their knowledge is incomplete or that their skills are lacking. They want hands-on instructions, mainly to increase their self-confidence. Learning slows down if the student is left to work alone. In particular, 

emotional reflection and support are needed to deal with challenging and problematic situations. In addition, sharing successes and positive experiences is important. This finding is in line with earlier research (Schlee and Harich 2010, p. 350) which found that new marketing graduates rely more on skills than marketing knowledge for their jobs. The emotional theme that emerges from teachers’ responses is related to the feeling of inadequacy, as stated by 

One professor at a event marketing

We do not feel totally comfortable with modern media and modern, digital marketing. So, we tend to stick to the more traditional way of teaching and the messages are still quite traditional. (Interview: marketing educator) The feeling of inadequacy can lead to a variety of consequences, such as early retirement: Where the older generation, like me and some of my colleagues, are actually going to give a place, space, for a newer generation. (Interview: 

marketing educator) The best marketing professionals stood out from the others in their strong self-regulatory capacity. Self-regulation enables the exercise of knowledge and skills. It is the ability to regulate one’s own behaviour, that is, how much room one gives to emotions, thoughts, and desires. The regulation of emotions and behaviour is needed for fluent 

interaction with others (Virtanen et al. 2020, pp. 16–20). In addition to the company’s culture, marketing professionals need to adopt a team culture. The work is demanding, because in addition to a wide range of skills, one must have emotional intelligence, understanding and tolerance of differences: different personalities, ways of working, professional language and 

Listening future event and attentiveness

are also important, as one can learn from best practices and apply them quickly. At its best, diversity is turned into a resource and utilized to achieve optimal results. Experts also understood well how the requirement for continuous learning can contribute to burnout at work. An important part of self-regulatory skills is identifying one’s own strengths and 

recovering. The work can also be inspiring, ‘work at its best’, as one interviewee said. Self-regulatory skills are difficult to teach. In the data of the present study, the experts emphasize one’s own motivation, desire and the ability to take The problems and challenges of teaching crystallize very much in this pair of opposing themes. Marketing educators are considering 

ways to add practical substance know-how and tools to the curriculum. In addition, students value knowledge and skills that they could immediately apply in practice. However, many marketing professionals see that the most important skills of a recent graduate student are that they know how to acquire knowledge, combine knowledge, make analyses and draw conclusions. Marketing skills allow a graduate student to apply knowledge when they 

Encounter problems and have to digital

the necessary decisions. Marketers understand that it is difficult to provide up-to-date substanceknow how in the rapidly changing marketing filed. They are looking for people with the right motivation, attitude and procedures. They assume that theory is taught in educational institutions and practice is learned in work, as one respondent summed up: I have learned to do in practice myself, but it is as if the vision is there at the boThe present study has 

discussed the challenges and requirements for presentday marketing skills. Similarly to the findings in the present study, prior studies (Crittenden and Crittenden 2015, Daellenbach 2018, Herhausena et al. 2020, Wymbs 2011, Zahay et al. 2022) have demonstrated that digitalization has not only transformed the practice of marketing but also created a 

knowledge and talent gap. Even though many marketing professionals gain their digital marketing knowledge on the job (Roetzer 2014, p. 3), it is crucial that educational institutions understand the core competencies needed in today’s marketing. The digital marketing industry is advancing at breakneck speed, challenging marketing professionals to keep up with the pace of development. Marketing teachers face the same challenge when they 


what skills students will need in the near future after graduating to working lifeDaellenbach (2018), which structures the marketer’s key skills through personal skills, social skills, technological skills, and task-specific skills, while adding to the understanding of multi-skill requirements in the field of marketing. Nevertheless, our research does not dispute the importance of technology. With the rapid advancements in technology, it is essential to stay 

up to date with the latest developments and opportunities in digital marketing. Learners, teachers, and marketing professionals need to continually learn and update their knowledge and skills. New technological advancements and marketing automation software might pose a challenge to educational institutions, since they don’t necessarily have access to those major 

marketing automation systems that are commonly used in business. Cooperation between education and companies could be one solution to the challenge brought by updating technology and providing access for students to familiarize themselves with the marketing systems before entering working life. In cooperation, the educational institution would get 

access to, for example, new software, and the companies would benefit in terms of recruitment. Marketing students may be more prepared for the demands of working life. Cooperation could especially benefit the teaching related to marketing data analytics. Kurtzke and Setkute (2021) showed that data analysis is an essential core competence since digital marketing relies heavily on data analytics to measure the effectiveness of campaigns. 


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