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Why Influencer Marketing Specialists Are Vital for Modern Brands

Globally, chatbots are now used by such companies as Bank of America, eBay, H&M, Pizza Hut, Samsung, Microsoft, Amazon, Subway, Zalando, while in Poland they include Alior Bank, Bank Millenium, ING Bank ÅšlÄ…ski, Warta Insurance, Pizza Hut Polska, GPW, Tymbark, and many many others.  These days, the most common sort of chatbots available on the market are so-called rule-based chatbots, whose function is limited to running just in the area of  specifi c, closed databases. Therefore, although there are often dubious views about the potential among the individuals who engaged with chatbots, the questions they posed went beyond the understanding of a chatbot at a particular point. Companies and brands have to decide what limits to impose as their bots develop over time since bots are meant to be dynamic, capable of learning and changing (Daugherty, Wilson, 2018, p. 94). The dynamics  artificial intelligence (AI) development will clearly be associated with further developmen...

The Role of CRM Specialists in Personalizing Customer Experiences

Fourthly, the demand for input goods and services by companies is derived from end user demand. Household demand for bread creates organizational demand for fl our. Fifthly, organizational buying is conducted in a professional way. Unlike household buyers, procurement offi cers for companies are often professionals with formal training. Buying processes can be rigorously formal, particularly for mission-critical goods and services,  

a decision-making unit composed of interested parties may be formed to defi ne requirements, search for suppliers, evaluate proposals and make a sourcing decision. Often, the value of a single organizational purchase is huge: buying an airplane, bridge or power station is a massive purchase few households will ever match. Finally, much B2B trading is 

direct. In other words, there are no channel intermediaries and suppliers sell direct to customers. These differences mean that the CPM process is very different in the two contexts. In the B2B context, because suppliers have access to much more customer-specifi c information, CPM uses organization-specifi c data, such as sales volume and cost-to-serve, to allocate customers to strategic clusters. In the B2C context, individual level data is not 

Therefore the data used for clustering

purposes tends not to be specifi c to individual customers. Instead, data about groups of customers, for example geographic market segments, is used to perform the clustering. Basic disciplines for CPM In this section, you’ll read about a number of basic disciplines that can be useful during CPM. These include market segmentation, sales forecasting, activity-based costing, customer lifetime value estimation and data mining. Market segmentation CPM can 

make use of a discipline that is routinely employed by marketing management: market segmentation. Market segmentation can be defi ned as follows: Market segmentation is the process of dividing up a market into more-or-less homogenous subsets for which it is possible to create different value propositions. At the end of the process the company can decide which segment(s) it wants to serve. If it chooses, each segment can be served with a 

different value proposition and managed in a different way. Market segmentation processes can be used during CPM for two main purposes. They can be used to segment potential markets to identify which customers to acquire, and to cluster current customers with a view to offering differentiated value propositions supported by different relationship management strategies.In this discussion we’ll focus on the application of market segmentation processes 

To identify which customers to acquire

What distinguishes market segmentation for this CRM purpose is its very clear focus on customer value. The outcome of the process should be the identifi cation of the value potential of each identifi ed segment. Companies will want to identify and target customers that can generate profi t in the future: these will be those customers that the company and its network are better placed to serve and satisfy than their competitors. Market segmentation in 

many companies is highly intuitive. The marketing team will develop profi les of customer groups based upon their insight and experience. This is then used to guide the development of marketing strategies across the segments. In a CRM context, market segmentation is highly data dependent. The data might be generated internally or sourced externally. Internal 

data from marketing, sales and fi nance records are often enhanced with additional data from external sources such as marketing research companies, partner organizations in the company’s network and data specialistThese days, digital technologies start to act as a catalyst for later phases of the development towards the change of present paradigms and 

Solutions depending on them

Innovations resulting from their consequences open a great spectrum of opportunities while altering our cognitive functions and efficiency of linked behavior. Robotization of processes, cognitive automation or social robotics evoke different implications in terhey enter new functional areas connected with a principles of marketing will remain the same, to a much greater extent they becometthat creates the need for other new technology that then includes 

customers as part of it (so-called protopia by Kevin Kelly).Values' digital structure is global and linked; it moves real time. Along with a few billion devices with built-in artificial intelligence and which belong to these people, it encompasses more than seven million people communicating and trading in real time via the web (Skinner, 2018, p. 31). As we entwined links and radio waves, our species began to link all regions of the earth, all activities, all 

people, all objects, all sensors, all data and ideas into one vast network of the scale of complexity hitherto unimaginable. Our civilization's common interface has developed from years of growth. This is the unity that permeates our lives to such degree that it becomes absolutely essential for our identity. Then that massive framework offers a fresh perspective of thinking and "a new mind" (Kelly, 2017, p. 404). Digital change defi nitely becomes inevitable 


and results in the specific technium - the current system of culture and technology that accelerates a development of new, impossible objects while creating new approaches of social behavior. Computers and other digital developments make advantage of our cognitive capacity to comprehend and modify our surroundings. They are letting us enter fresh ground and surpass prior restrictions (Brynjolfsson, McAfee, 2014, p. 6). It results in the change from 

traditional digitalization methods to increasingly multidimensional forms and tools of adaption of individual digital technologies and their combinations. Stronger technological, humanistic, psychological, or moral penetration so shows and drives a need to redefine present operations. The consequent convergence produces bipolarity of observed events: dehumanization of business and humanization of technologies. Human – to – Human (H2H), 

Machine – to – Machine (M2M), as well as Human to – Machine (H2M) and Machine – to – Human, which are a hybrid solution, could be assumed that their dynamics will lead to gradual entropy enabling more unifi ed separation of space of interaction at four equivalent levels. A blurred line separating what usually belongs to a human from what is a sign of technology will intensify an already evident requirement to view the market in a whole. Omnipresence of 

nteractions with technology will become an aspect of civilization infrastructure. New technology, new rivals, new capabilities, new rules, new quality concerns that need to be handled, personalized and contextualized, so enabling brands to change their present market orientation. The multitude of media and related channels emphasizes the requirement of constantly and uninterruptedly processing messages and inputs. With his kind of approach


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